To access the post-screening discussion livestream, please visit mjhnyc.org/live.
(2018, 18 min., English) When 10-year-old Elliott asks his 90-year-old great-grandfather, Jack, about the number tattooed on his arm, he sparks an intimate conversation about Jack’s life that spans happy memories of childhood in Poland, the loss of his family, surviving Auschwitz, and finding a new life in America.
Directed and produced by Emmy® winner Amy Schatz, the short film The Number on Great-Grandpa’s Arm weaves in haunting historical footage and hand-painted animation to tell a heartbreaking story of Jewish life in Eastern Europe before and during the Holocaust.
A post-screening discussion will follow with the family featured in the film — the first time that four generations of one survivor’s family have appeared together at the Museum. The post-screening discussion will also be livestreamed on our website and Facebook page.
Presented by HBO with the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
Free; limited seats – advance registration required
Watch Here: