Learn about your heritage. Ask questions. Remember the answers. There are not many of us left to tell you firsthand about what we know as the most evil of times for Jews and others whom the Nazis deemed inferior.”
—Ruth Zimbler, member of the Speakers Bureau
The Museum of Jewish Heritage’s Speakers Bureau is comprised of Holocaust survivors, World War II veterans, and descendants of survivors who present their or their family’s experiences during the Holocaust to groups of 20 or more people scheduled in advance. Holocaust speakers are adept at sharing their insights with diverse audiences and contextualizing their own perspectives within the larger narratives of history. They provide experiences that are educational, emotional, and unforgettable.
Schedule a Holocaust Survivor Speakers Bureau Testimony Volunteer
The Importance of Holocaust Survivor Stories
Primary sources, like documents on display at the museum or testimony from Holocaust survivors like myself, provide irrefutable evidence of this history with an emotional immediacy that ensures it is never forgotten.
Sally Frishberg, Chalkbeat New York
A presentation by a member of the Speakers Bureau may be booked in conjunction with a virtual visit to the Museum or requested as an independent activity. Please note that all testimonies on Zoom will be hosted and recorded by the Museum.
But once they digest her story, she said, she hopes that they make a connection as survivors, too, of “hardships,” and that they find hopefulness in their own situations, particularly if they suffer, say, from prejudice.
Dulcie Leimbach, New York Times

Speakers Bureau FAQ
How far in advance do I need to book a Holocaust survivor speaker?
The Museum requires three weeks’ advance notice.
How long does a Holocaust survivor speaker presentation last?
Generally, the Zoom session is about an hour: 45-50 minutes of testimony with 10-15 minutes for questions and answers.
How can I contact the museum or the speaker if I have any questions or concerns?
For questions and support, please email speakersbureau@mjhnyc.org.
How can I learn more about Holocaust survivors and their stories?
- Hear first person accounts from survivors through our Stories Survive series, collected on YouTube here.
- Plan your visit to the Museum’s exhibitions here.