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Spring 2023 Holocaust Educator School Partnership Intern Henry Sears leads a tour in the Museum’s galleries.

The Museum offers internship programs for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students throughout the year. Interns work onsite at the Museum, though some of our internship programs combine onsite work with programs in other educational settings.


General Internships

The Museum has general internships available that provide exposure to the programs and services provided by the Museum. Offered on a rolling basis according to departmental need, prospective interns can expect to work in a broad range of capacities in support of the various functions of the Museum.

Applications for general internships are currently closed.

High School Apprenticeship Program

The High School Apprenticeship Program offers New York City public high school students a challenging program of study and work designed to give them a behind-the-scenes look at what it is like to work in the Museum and explore Jewish heritage and their own. Apprentices are paid for their participation in the program.

Holocaust Educator School Partnership

The Holocaust Educator School Partnership is a paid internship program at the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York City for undergraduate and graduate students currently studying in the New York metropolitan area. Interns are trained on how to teach the history of the Holocaust and then work with middle and high school students in public schools to understand this history. Interns receive payment at the end of the semester.

Funding for the Holocaust Education School Partnership has been provided by Julianna Margulies, Abigail Pogrebin and David Shapiro, AMIT Children in honor of Julianna Margulies, Nicole and Stephen Eisenberg, the Helen & Arie Tabak Memorial Fund, and other generous donors.

Chaskel Tydor Curatorial Internship

The Chaskel Tydor Curatorial Internship is awarded to one student twice annually, who should be engaged in scholarship in Holocaust Studies, Jewish History and/or Studies, European History, Museum Studies, or related fields. Interns work closely with the Collections and Exhibitions Department, meet with object donors to welcome new objects into the Collection, and host public programs as part of the Museum’s adult education initiatives to provide insight into the Museum’s curatorial and scholarly work. As the benefactor of the internship, the Museum’s new Consulting Historian and Curator, Professor Judy Tydor Baumel-Schwartz, will mentor interns participating in the program.

To apply for the summer term from July 8 – August 23, please send a resume and cover letter to with the subject line “Chaskel Tydor Application.” Application deadline is May 15, 2023.