The Museum will be closing at 3pm on Wednesday (10/23) and closed all day Thursday (10/24) and Friday (10/25).

Close alert

Planned gifts have an enduring effect on the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. By including the Museum in your estate and financial planning, you help ensure that we can forge meaningful connections between past and present with future generations of students and visitors—many of whom will never have the chance to personally meet a Holocaust survivor.  

The Museum’s Legacy Society is a group of generous supporters who have incorporated a planned gift or bequest to the Museum into their personal legacy. If you have included the Museum of Jewish Heritage in your estate plans, we would be grateful and honored to include you in this community. Legacy Society membership is not based on the size of your gift, but on your willingness to share the details of your plan with us. We will keep your information in confidence.

To notify us of your gift and to join the Legacy Society, submit the online Gift Intention Form, mail or email the printable Gift Intention Form to us, or contact us directly at the information below.

Development Office, Legacy Society
Museum of Jewish Heritage
36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280
(646) 437-4320

Types of Planned Gifts

A gift through your will is a simple, straightforward way to make a meaningful contribution to future generations while entitling your estate to a charitable tax deduction.

  • Specific Bequest: a sum of money or appreciated asset.
  • Residuary Bequest: all or a percentage of the assets remaining in your estate after specific bequests and all other expenses are paid.
  • Contingent bequest: a bequest to the Museum that comes into effect if your primary beneficiary does not survive you.

General Bequest Language (you can copy this language into your will to ensure your legacy gift comes to the Museum of Jewish Heritage): “I give, devise, and bequeath to the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York, NY, the sum of $_____ (or state percentage of estate or a description of specific asset) for the benefit of the Museum and its general purpose.”

  • For inquiries about assets, endowments, and insurance please contact and set up time to discuss your gift with a member of our team.
  • To leave an artifact or object to our collection, please go to Donate Objects or contact
Disclaimer: While the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust provides information on planned giving options, we do not provide specific tax or legal advice and recommend you consult an advisor