To most people, “3G” and “4G” refers to cell phone data – but to the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, these terms are shorthand for something far more meaningful. What does it mean to be a third- or fourth-generation survivor? Is trauma transmitted through epigenetics, or inherited along with family stories and heirlooms? Tablet Magazine Deputy Editor Stephanie Butnick, co-host of the leading Jewish podcast Unorthodox, hosts an MJH Live series exploring these questions and more with a changing roster of guests.

In this episode, Butnick is joined by Beth Kean, CEO of Holocaust Museum Los Angeles. Kean worked for more than 25 years in the finance sector and served on her museum’s Executive Board for 10 years before becoming its CEO in 2017. As the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, she brings a powerful personal connection to her work running the nation’s oldest Holocaust museum.

Beth Kean also shared her grandmother’s marble cake recipe (and information on a family cookbook) with us. Click here for the recipe and here for the family cookbook background.

Watch the program below.