Due to a private event, the Museum will be closed at 4 PM today, 9/12.

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In a time when events are virtual, the opportunity to connect with others who share similar interests is often limited or doesn’t feel inclusive. It is a testament to the strength of the Young Friends of the Museum that their recent event—an interactive virtual challah bake with the charming Food Network contributor Jack Hazan —was both joyous and commemorative.

An example? In the clip below, Jack checks in with the Zoom audience.


In addition to the fun of a shared cooking event, the program participants heard testimony from Holocaust survivor Alice Ginsburg. Alice began by sharing what Jewish tradition means to her.


Below are some of the impressive challahs our audience members made:

Challahs from Young Friends event
Young Friends Challah Bake submisions


Young Friends of the Museum events are offered throughout the year for professionals between the ages of 21-39. We encourage anyone in that age group with an interest in Jewish history and the Museum’s mission to attend an event or join the Young Friends. We look forward to seeing you soon.