Due to a private event, the Museum will be closed at 4 PM today, 9/12.

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More light. More life.

These are the words borne on the emblem of the Tree of Life * Or L’Simcha Congregation in Pittsburgh, PA. They stand for that Jewish community’s daily mission and work, mode of worship, hope for the world, and rallying cry.

This Shabbat morning, the Tree of Life * Or L’Simcha Congregation suffered an anti-Semitic act of terror in which eleven people were murdered, and many more people were hurt in ways apparent and deep.

The community of the Museum of Jewish Heritage — A Living Memorial to the Holocaust mourns those who were lost. We offer support to those hurt and grieving and wish a full recovery for those congregants and police officers injured.

We stand by a Jewish community whose sense of security was shattered in a sacred space. ​In doing this, we take up the words of the Tree of Life * Or L’Simcha Congregation itself. May these words guide all of us in our responsibility to repair our world. More light. More life. ​​

Bruce C. Ratner, Chairman
Michael S. Glickman, President & CEO