Susan Kalev

Susan Kalev was born at the end of the war in Budapest, Hungary. The only survivors in her family were Susan as an infant and her mother who was lucky enough to get on a special list and was transported to a Budapest ghetto instead of Auschwitz. Susan never knew an older sister or her father. Although her mother never spoke about her war experiences Susan grew up in the shadow of the unspoken, the inner narrative that shaped her mother’s life. In 1956 Susan, her mother, a new father and a younger sister escaped Communist Hungary during the Hungarian Revolution by fleeing through a forest to Vienna. Susan has lived in Israel in the 1960’s and makes her home in NYC. She is a psychotherapist who often works with trauma, loss and separation. She writes often on Holocaust issues and is a member of the Hungarian Hidden Children group that addresses how to survive and create lives of meaning and purpose.

Event details

July 9, 2017

1:00 PM