Under the code name “the Ayalon Institute,” a group of teenagers from the Hatzofim Aleph Scout movement and members of the Haganah built an underground munitions factory in 1947 that secretly manufactured and then smuggled ammunition needed during Israel’s War of Independence. Now celebrating its 75th anniversary, the documentary, Code Name: Ayalon, explores for the first time how 45 Jewish youngsters built, concealed, and operated the factory in Ayalon, where Holocaust survivors settled, and played this role in the larger story of the country.
The film screening will be followed by a conversation and Q&A with producer Laurel Fairworth.
Laurel Fairworth is an Emmy-winning journalist who has over 20 years of experience as a broadcaster. She has appeared on-camera in New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Baltimore, West Palm Beach, Florida, and Tennessee, and has produced pieces for NBC’s Today Show and Nightly News, CNBC, and MSNBC. Fairworth is also the President of Cachet Communications, a Public Relations and Marketing Company.
The film can only be seen during the virtual program. Only the conversation will be available on our YouTube channel after the event.
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