This talk will be led by Professor Christopher Browning (Professor Emeritus, University of North Carolina, Department of History) and introduced and moderated by Professor Cheryl Bader, Clinical Associate Professor of Law, Fordham University.

PART ONE: 3:00 PM LECTURE Survivor Testimony

Though the accounts survivors delivered at Adolf Eichmann’s trial powerfully shaped public memory, historians remained wary of using survivor testimony as evidence. However, in some instances—such as the Starachowice factory slave labor camps—survivor testimony is the sole evidence of the atrocities that took place.

Two talks at one price: $12 general, $10 Museum members, $5 students

For Lawyers seeking CLE credit:

  • CLE credits have been approved in accordance with the requirements of the New York State CLE Board for a maximum of 1.5 nontransitional professional practice credits per lecture.
  • Fees: $65 for practitioners ($55 for public interest attorneys and Fordham Alumni).
  • To register for CLE credit for this program, please visit (Part 1, 3:00 PM Lecture).


Professor Christopher Browning