Learn with us in the Museum’s new adult learning series “Introduction to the Holocaust.” Led by outstanding scholars, this five-part webinar meets Wednesday afternoons from 5 PM – 6:30 PM Eastern starting November 11. (No class will be held the week of Thanksgiving.)
Each class will consist of a lecture followed by a QA. The last session will be a discussion with a Holocaust survivor.
Class schedule
November 11 – The War Against The Jews
November 18 – Resistance & Rescue
December 2 – The Final Solution
December 9 – Liberation & Aftermath
December 16 – Testimony From a Survivor
Registration is for the full series. Classes cannot be purchased individually. All registrants will have access to a recording of the classes. Space is limited.
Non-members: $180
Free for Sustaining level memberships and above ($250+)
All other membership levels ($36-$180) can take 20% off the price of the series and register for $144.
Join as a member and take advantage of special pricing, plus an entire year of membership benefits.