For descendants of Holocaust survivors who became researchers and scholars, whether they devoted their professional lives to the Holocaust or to other topics, the Holocaust often accompanies their professional lives like a shadow. The new book Researchers Remember: Research as an Arena of Memory for Descendants of Holocaust Survivors, discusses this phenomenon through the stories of 30 researchers, children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. It is the first book of its kind, and the Museum is pleased to host a round table discussion and book talk with editors and contributors.
Presented by Judy Tydor Baumel-Schwartz and Shmuel Refael, editors of Researchers Remember. Together with Jacqueline Heller, Dan Carter, Dorota Glowacka, Sam Juni, Abraham J. Peck, Liat Steir-Livny, Zehavit Gross, and Eva Fogelman, they will discuss how their parents’ or grandparents’ Holocaust experiences affected their personal and professional trajectories.
Prof. Judy Tydor Baumel-Schwartz is the Director of the Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research and Professor of Jewish History at Bar-Ilan University, and a historian-curator for the exhibition The Holocaust: What Hate Can Do.
Prof. Shmuel Refael is the Director of the Salti Institute for Ladino Studies and Dean of the Faculty of Jewish Studies at Bar-Ilan University. He has published extensively about the Sephardim and the Holocaust and about the representation of the Holocaust in Ladino poetry.
Dr. Jacqueline Heller is a Los Angeles-based psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who recently retired from her private practice. She was on the clinical faculty at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine as an Assistant Clinical Professor where she taught, mentored, and supervised for 30 years. She has been writing a forthcoming book, Yesterday Never Sleeps, which should be published next year.
Prof. Dan Carter is the Director of the Neurograstroenterology and Pelvic Floor Clinic at the Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer and a Clinical Associate Professor at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University.
Prof. Dorota Glowacka is Professor of Humanities and Director of Contemporary Studies Program at the University of King’s College in Halifax, Canada.
Prof. Sam Juni is Professor Emeritus at New York University. He founded and directed the Psychology Graduate Program at NYU Tel Aviv for close to a decade and is currently in private practice in Jerusalem.
Prof. Abraham J. Peck is Research Professor of History at the University of Southern Maine and a lecturer at Bates College.
Prof. Liat Steir-Livny is an Associate Professor in the Department of Cultural Studies, Creation and Production at Sapir College and a tutor and course coordinator at the Open University of Israel.
Prof. Zehavit Gross is the Director of the Sal Van Gelder Center for Holocaust Research and Instruction; the incumbent of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Human Values, Tolerance, and Peace; and the Dean Elect of the Faculty of Education at Bar-Ilan University.
Dr. Eva Fogelman is a social psychologist, psychotherapist, author and filmmaker. She is co-editor of several books on the psychological and historical perspective on children during the Nazi reign and its aftermath. She is the writer and co-producer of the award-winning documentary Breaking the Silence: The Generation After the Holocaust (PBS).
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