STAJE Seminar: German Rabbis Respond to the Nazis

The Museum’s STAJE (Shoah Teaching Alternatives for Jewish Educators) series offers professional development seminars and workshops designed for educators who teach in Jewish settings.

This seminar is presented in commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of Kristallnacht.

Jews under Nazi rule responded to persecution that was unprecedented in modern history. German rabbis were faced with the challenge of leading their communities, comforting their congregants and resisting Nazi oppression. Join scholars Michael Meyer and Marc Shapiro as they explore the lives and experiences of Rabbi Leo Baeck, Joachim Prinz, and Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg. We will conclude the seminar with a workshop, presented by Malgo Bakalarz-Duverger of the Leo Baeck Insitiute, in which participants will delve into examples of Nazi-era sermons delivered by German rabbis.


Event details

November 11, 2018

12:30 PM – 4:30 PM

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