Stories Survive Speaker Series: Alice Ginsburg

At our monthly Stories Survive Speaker Series, hear Holocaust survivors share their life stories in their own words.

On October 7, Alice Ginsburg will share her experiences.

Alice Ginsburg was born in 1930 in Mukacevo, Czechoslovakia. Alice was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home with her father, a grocery store owner, and her mother, who took in sewing to support her family.

When the Nazis invaded in 1944, she and her family were forcibly sent into a ghetto. Two weeks later, Alice and her family were deported to Auschwitz, where she never saw her mother again. Between May and October 1944, Alice remained in Auschwitz and was later deported to Langenbilau to perform forced labor. As the war neared an end, Alice was forcibly sent on one of the death marches.

In May 1945, Alice was liberated by the Russian Army. She reunited with her father and brother in Budapest, settled in a Displaced Persons camp in West Germany, and made her way to the United States in February 1947.



Event details

October 7, 2018

1:00 PM