Stories Survive Speaker Series: Celia Kener

At our monthly Stories Survive Speaker Series, hear Holocaust survivors share their life stories in their own words.

On May 6, Celia Kener will share her history.

Celia Kener was born in 1935 in Lvov, Poland. When the Germans invaded in 1941, life totally changed. Her father was drafted into the Russian army while the rest of her family moved into the ghetto. Celia’s mother was selected for a labor camp and was periodically brought in to visit the family on weekends. Celia’s mother found a childless Catholic couple and promised her daughter to them because she didn’t think that she would survive.

Celia was eventually reunited with her mother. The family was liberated by the Russians. Her father escaped the Russian army to an Uzbekistan Displaced Persons camp under an assumed name and survived.

Celia and her parents came to the US in 1949.


Free with Museum admission

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Event details

May 6, 2018

1:00 PM (ET)