Stories Survive Speaker Series: George Bear

At our monthly Stories Survive Speaker Series, hear Holocaust survivors share their life stories in their own words.

On February 4, George Bear will share his history.

George is from Zloczow, Poland, where his father was director of a meat-exporting company, and his mother was bacteriologist.  Zloczow was occupied by the Soviets in 1939, then invaded by the Germans in 1941. George’s father was killed during the first week of the German invasion. He and his mother escaped from Zloczow and spent the rest of the war “passing” as Aryans in and around Warsaw. They were liberated by the Russians in 1945. They eventually made their way to West Germany, where they stayed in a displaced persons camp until they came to the US on one of the early refugee boats in 1946.


Free with Museum admission

Event details

February 4, 2018

1:00 PM