Stories Survive Speaker Series: Harvey Moser

At our monthly Stories Survive Speaker Series, hear Holocaust survivors share their life stories in their own words.

Harvey Moser was born in Freiburg, Germany in 1928. He left for France with his brother after Kristallnacht in November 1938. One year later he was a passenger on the ship St. Louis, traveling from France to Cuba.

After the St Louis was denied entry to Cuba, he and his family returned to Europe on the St. Louis. They arrived in Belgium in June 1939 and from there went to France, where they lived for the next year. On May 13, 1940 they arrived in New York City on one of the last French boats to leave France for the United States during World War II. The boat was sunk by a German U-boat while it was returning to France.

As an adult, Dr. Moser entered NYU Medical School. After graduation from medical school, he trained in dermatology at NYU Medical Center where he remained on the staff for more than 50 years as a dermatologist and served for decades in his own practice in Queens. He and his wife have been married for more than 50 years and have two children and four grandchildren.

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Event details

May 5, 2019

1:00 PM (ET)