The Sephardic Tu BiShevat Celebration scheduled for Thursday, February 13th, has been cancelled.

The Museum will be closed on Sunday, February 16th.

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Virtual Walking Tour: The Jewish History of Worms, Germany

Worms, Germany, located on the western bank of the Rhine River, is home to one of the oldest Jewish communities in Europe and holds some of the first Jewish UNESCO World Heritage Sites. On this livestreamed, virtual walking tour we will learn why Worms was once called “Little Jerusalem.” Our guide will show us the Holy Sands cemetery, thought to be the oldest cemetery in Europe; the Hall of Mourning in the Art Noveau style; and the Jewish quarter. We will learn why Jews settled in Worms and how Jewish tradition is still present in the city today. Co-presented with Wowzitude.

Event details

November 8, 2023

11:00 AM (ET)
Live closed captions will be available

Co-presented by