The Museum will be closing at 3pm on Wednesday (10/23) and closed all day Thursday (10/24) and Friday (10/25).

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With Dimensions in Testimony, guests experienced a “virtual conversation” with Pinchas Gutter, a survivor of six Nazi concentration camps. When asked questions by the audience, Pinchas—in the form of a pre-recorded projection—provided answers in real time.

Pinchas answered approximately 1,500 questions for the creation of Dimensions in Testimony. Unique questions from the audience prompted his recorded responses—made possible by specialized recording and display technologies and next-generation natural language processing.

Dimensions in Testimony ensures that future generations will still be able to speak with and learn from survivors.

Watch the video below to get a sense of the Dimensions in Testimony experience.

Learn more about Pinchas’ family history and his experience during WWII in The Last Goodbye, a virtual reality testimony installation.

Dimensions in Testimony was an initiative by USC Shoah Foundation to record and display testimony in a way that will preserve the dialogue between Holocaust survivors and learners far into the future. Collaborating within the project are Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, with technology by USC Institute for Creative Technologies, and concept by Conscience Display. Funding for Dimensions in Testimony was provided in part by Pears Foundation, Louis. F. Smith, Melinda Goldrich and Andrea Cayton/Goldrich Family Foundation in honor of Jona Goldrich, and Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center. Other partners included CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center.

The Museum’s 20th anniversary commemoration is made possible by major support provided by David Berg Foundation, Bruce C. Ratner, and Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust. In addition to the Museum’s 20th anniversary sponsors, this presentation is made possible by the Murray and Frida Krell Testimony Fund. The Krell Testimony Fund enables the Museum to preserve and present survivor testimony – documenting personal experience of global significance.