Evelyn Pike Rubin was born July 31, 1930 in Breslau, Germany.

After many years of trying to escape, she and her family finally went to Shanghai, China in February, 1939 on the Hakusaki Maru.

At the time, Shanghai was at war with Japan, and the conditions were dangerous, but Evelyn attended the Shanghai Jewish Day School, while her mother found a way for them to survive. They were liberated in 1945, and finally came to the United States in 1947.

Evelyn was the author of Ghetto Shanghai, an autobiography recounting her journey from Germany to Shanghai, China. Evelyn made a life of sharing her story at schools, synagogues, museums, and libraries, to ensure that no one would ever forget the horrors of the Holocaust.

Evelyn died on April 15, 2022.  She was fond of saying that she was an only, but she created all this. She is survived by 4 children, 12 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.