A boutique Judaica store experience in Lower Manhattan
Shop our Lower Manhattan store to find Judaica, historic novels, reference books, and Museum keepsakes in our Pickman Museum Shop.
Located in the first floor lobby of the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, the Pickman Museum Shop offers a boutique Judaica store experience for local residents and NYC visitors alike. Find holiday staples for Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Passover, and Shabbat, as well as home accessories. Pick up one of our store’s bestselling books, or find presents for all ages.
Located in Battery Park City, near the Statue of Liberty ferries, the Financial District, the 9/11 Memorial and Museum, and Tribeca, some of the Pickman Museum Shop’s bestselling items include: Shabbat servers, Shabbat candles, menorahs, challah covers, mezuzahs and mezuzah scrolls, Joel Itman handmade ceramic magnets from Italy, and Museum keepsakes like tote bags, umbrellas, and keychains.
We are pleased to note that we offer Mi Polin contemporary Judaica from Poland.
Popular Books
Our curated book selection includes some of the following titles: Survival in Auschwitz by Primo Levi, Night by Elie Wiesel, The Sunflower by Simon Wiesenthal, Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl, Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan, The Newish Jewish Encyclopedia by Mark Oppenheimer, Liel Leibovitz, and Stephanie Butnick, and How to Fight Anti-Semitism by Bari Weiss.
The store also carries books by Holocaust survivors who are part of our Museum community. These stories of survival are among the bestselling items in the Pickman Museum shop.
Our selection of cookbooks includes options for children and adults alike, with titles ranging from Recipes Remembered by June Hersh to a latke recipe by Ina Garten featured in the childrens book Goodnight Bubbala by Sheryl Haft.
Young Children
Looking for travel keepsakes for children? We carry Jewish-themed coloring book placemats, kippas, and alef-bet magnets, and books such as the Shaloman comic books, Roller Coaster Grandma and Crocodile, You’re Beautiful by Dr. Ruth Westheimer, and Emma’s Poem by Linda Glaser.
Tweens and Teens
The Pickman Museum Shop sells books about the Holocaust that are frequently read in middle and high school, such as Number the Stars by Lois Lowry, Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, and Night by Elie Wiesel. Some of the books we carry have corresponding teacher guides from the Museum of Jewish Heritage Holocaust Curriculum.
Holiday Items
The Pickman Museum Shop sells Hanukkah menorahs, dreidels, holiday-related embroidery sets, and baking sets and cookie cutters for Hanukkah. Families with younger members will appreciate the xylophone, train, cupcake, firetruck, and “Menoji” emoji menorahs available in the store. We also sell items for Shabbat, as well as holiday items for Rosh Hashanah and Passover.

Andy Goldsworthy
The Garden of Stones, a living memorial garden of trees growing from stone, was designed by Andy Goldsworthy and planted by the artist, Holocaust survivors, and their families in 2003. The Garden is located off of the Museum’s second floor and is on view to Museum visitors. The Pickman Museum Shop carries items that are related to the Garden of Stones and to Andy Goldsworthy.
Shipping is available. Please call 646.437.4213 for more information.
The Pickman Museum Shop is located in the first floor lobby of the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. The Museum address is 36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280.
Store Hours
Sunday: 10 AM – 5 PM
See a few of the shop items in the slideshow below: