In Her Footsteps: Hungarian Jewish Women’s Life-Stories from the Perspective of Place

How do place, memory and identity interconnect? To explore this question, Vivian G. Prins Fellow Eszter Susán will highlight personal interviews she conducted with 12 Hungarian Jewish women of three generations: grandmothers who had lived through the Holocaust, daughters who lived through communism, and granddaughters of the “third generation” who grew up in post-socialist Hungary. By following their life-stories, participants can explore the continuities and discontinuities between generations, and look at the significance of “Jewish places” in their lives and identities.

This event is one in a three-part series for Museum members only. Members who enroll in all three courses get a discount (use code BUNDLE19 at checkout to redeem the discount).

$36 (or $85 for all three courses)

Event details

March 26, 2019

11:00 AM