Liberty Speaks

Join Melissa Martens Yaverbaum, Executive Director of the Council of American Jewish Museums, for a fascinating look at the history, meanings, and inspirations that tie together the Statue of Liberty with Manfred Anson’s “Liberty Menorah”— both artworks on or within view of the Museum. Yaverbaum will explore how the words of Emma Lazarus gave voice to the Statue, and consequently gave the world a poetic language for decades to come.

This event is one in a three-part series for Museum members only. Members who enroll in all three courses get a discount (use code BUNDLE19 at checkout to redeem the discount).

$36 (or $85 for all three courses)

Liberty Menorah
Manfred Anson’s Liberty Menorah from the Museum’s collection

Event details

March 18, 2019

11:00 AM