Members Learn: March 2019

Members Learn is an exclusive, members-only three part learning experience featuring classes by acclaimed scholars and Museum professionals, object talks, and lunch. This March, join us in honor of Women’s History Month with classes designed to feature the experiences and impact of women.

$36 per class or $85 for all three (Use code BUNDLE19 at checkout to redeem the discount)

Girls Coming of Age during the Holocaust: Gender, Class, and the Struggle for Survival in Eastern Europe
Monday, March 11, 2019 | 11 AM – 1 PM
Individual trajectories during the Holocaust and Nazi policies shaped the experience of Jewish adolescence. Did a girl of twelve or thirteen cease to be a child? Based on diaries and memoirs, Professor Natalia Aleksiun of Touro College will discuss the experiences of coming of age in the ghettos, in hiding and in the camps.

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Liberty Speaks
Monday, March 18, 2019 | 11 AM – 1 PM
Join Melissa Martens Yaverbaum, Executive Director of the Council of American Jewish Museums, for a fascinating look at the history, meanings, and inspirations that tie together the Statue of Liberty with Manfred Anson’s “Liberty Menorah”- both artworks on or within view of the Museum. Yaverbaum will explore how the words of Emma Lazarus gave voice to the Statue, and consequently gave the world a poetic language for decades to come.

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In Her Footsteps: Hungarian Jewish Women’s Life-Stories from the Perspective of Place
Tuesday, March 26, 2019 | 11 AM – 1 PM
How do place, memory and identity interconnect? To explore this question, Vivian G. Prins Fellow Eszter Susan will highlight personal interviews she conducted with 12 Hungarian Jewish women of three generations: grandmothers who had lived through the Holocaust, daughters who lived through communism, and granddaughters of the “third generation” who grew up in post-socialist Hungary. By following their life-stories, participants can explore the continuities and discontinuities between generations, and look at the significance of “Jewish places” in their lives and identities.

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Event details

Mar 11 – Mar 26, 2019